.短视频控制器 智能体验


Customizable photo screensaver, support connected mobile phone pictures.

Support short video social APP control: page scroll, volume adjusting, like,

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The products of the ZM18 series set the standard for modern laser modules for industrial use. You can select the right laser for your positioning application from more than 1,000 different variants.
The compact, sensor-like design enables easy integration into existing machines or systems. Easy-to-operate focussing optics complete the product. It’s the perfect allrounder!

Easy Installation,Output Power up to 120 mW,Shock Resistant,IP67,Different Wavelengths available
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August 27, 2024 14:00-17:00 Grand Ballroom, Renaissance Shenzhen Bay Hotel
As a bridge between the real world and the digital world, edge intelligence is leading the development of a new direction in the field of industrial automation. Especially with the combination of large model technology and edge equipment and other terminals, the industrial field presents new characteristics such as high efficiency, low power consumption, low cost and low delay. In addition, in many industries such as smart grid, smart cockpit, smart security, new energy, smart finance, and robotics, edge intelligent computing technology has shown broad market prospects and strong competitiveness.
星期六, 10 08月 2024 08:50


2024年8月27日14:00-17:00 深圳湾万丽酒店大宴会厅