The only case this does not apply to is the dynamically defined dataIdentifiers, as they are not predefined in the ECU, but are defined by the client using service 0x2C (dynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier). DataIdentifier values are defined in Table C.1.
Table C.1 — DID data-parameter definitions
Byte Value | Description | Cvt | Mnemonic |
0x0000 – 0x00FF | ISOSAEReserved This range of values shall be reserved by this document for future definition. |
0x0100 – 0xA5FF | VehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xA600 – 0xA7FF | ReservedForLegislativeUse This range of values is reserved for future legislative requirements. |
M | RFLU |
0xA800 – 0xACFF | VehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xAD00 – 0xAFFF | ReservedForLegislativeUse This range of values is reserved for future legislative requirements. |
M | RFLU |
0xB000 – 0xB1FF | VehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xB200 – 0xBFFF | ReservedForLegislativeUse This range of values is reserved for future legislative requirements. |
M | RFLU |
0xC000 – 0xC2FF | VehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xC300 – 0xCEFF | ReservedForLegislativeUse This range of values is reserved for future legislative requirements. |
M | RFLU |
0xCF00 – 0xEFFF | VehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xF000 – 0xF00F | networkConfigurationDataForTractorTrailerApplicationData- Identifier This value shall be used to request the remote addresses of all trailer systems independent of their functionality. |
0xF010 – 0xF0FF | vehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference vehicle manufacturer specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | VMS |
0xF100 – 0xF17F | identificationOptionVehicleManufacturerSpecificDataIdentifier This range of values shall be used for vehicle manufacturer specific server/vehicle identification options. |
0xF180 | BootSoftwareIdentificationDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU boot software identification record. The first data byte of the record data shall be the numberOfModules that are reported. Following the numberOfModules the boot software identification(s) are reported. The format of the boot software identification structure shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF181 | applicationSoftwareIdentificationDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU application software number(s). The first data byte of the record data shall be the numberOfModules that are reported. Following the numberOfModules the application software identification(s) are reported. The format of the application software identification structure shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF182 | applicationDataIdentificationDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU application data identification record. The first data byte of the record data shall be the numberOfModules that are reported. Following the numberOfModules the application data identification(s) are reported. The format of the application data identification structure shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF183 | bootSoftwareFingerprintDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU boot software fingerprint identification record. Record data content and format shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF184 | applicationSoftwareFingerprintDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU application software fingerprint identification record. Record data content and format shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF185 | applicationDataFingerprintDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU application data fingerprint identification record. Record data content and format shall be ECU specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF186 | ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier This value shall be used to report the active diagnostic session in the server. The values are defined by the diagnosticSessionType subfunction parameter in the DiagnosticSessionControl service. |
0xF187 | vehicleManufacturerSparePartNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer spare part number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF188 | vehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer ECU (server) software number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF189 | vehicleManufacturerECUSoftwareVersionNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer ECU (server) software version number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF18A | systemSupplierIdentifierDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system supplier name and address information. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the system supplier. |
0xF18B | ECUManufacturingDateDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the ECU (server) manufacturing date. Record data content and format shall be unsigned numeric, ASCII or BCD, and shall be ordered as Year, Month, Day. |
0xF18C | ECUSerialNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the ECU (server) serial number. Record data content and format shall be server specific. |
0xF18D | supportedFunctionalUnitsDataIdentifier This value shall be used to request the functional units implemented in a server. |
0xF18E | VehicleManufacturerKitAssemblyPartNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the vehicle manufacturer order number for a kit (assembled parts bought as a whole for production e.g. cockpit), when the spare part number designates only the server (e.g. for aftersales). The record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF18F | ISOSAEReservedStandardized This range of values shall be reserved by this document for future definition of standardized server/vehicleIdentification options. |
0xF190 | VINDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the VIN number. Record data content and format shall be specified by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF191 | vehicleManufacturerECUHardwareNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used by reading services to reference the vehicle manufacturer specific ECU (server) hardware number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF192 | systemSupplierECUHardwareNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system supplier specific ECU (server) hardware number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the system supplier. |
0xF193 | systemSupplierECUHardwareVersionNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system supplier specific ECU (server) hardware version number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the system supplier. |
0xF194 | systemSupplierECUSoftwareNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system supplier specific ECU (server) software number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the system supplier. |
0xF195 | systemSupplierECUSoftwareVersionNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system supplier specific ECU (server) software version number. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the system supplier. |
0xF196 | exhaustRegulationOrTypeApprovalNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the exhaust regulation or type approval number (valid for those systems which require type approval). Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. Refer to the relevant legislation for any applicable requirements. |
0xF197 | systemNameOrEngineTypeDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the system name or engine type. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF198 | repairShopCodeOrTesterSerialNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the repair shop code or tester (client) serial number (e.g., to indicate the most recent service client used re-program server memory). Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF199 | programmingDateDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the date when the server was last programmed. Record data content and format shall be unsigned numeric, ASCII or BCD, and shall be ordered as Year, Month, Day. |
0xF19A | calibrationRepairShopCodeOrCalibrationEquipmentSerialNumber DataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the repair shop code or client serial number (e.g., to indicate the most recent service used by the client to re- calibrate the server). Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF19B | calibrationDateDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the date when the server was last calibrated. Record data content and format shall be unsigned numeric, ASCII or BCD, and shall be ordered as Year, Month, Day. |
0xF19C | calibrationEquipmentSoftwareNumberDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference software version within the client used to calibrate the server. Record data content and format shall be server specific and defined by the vehicle manufacturer. |
0xF19D | ECUInstallationDateDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the date when the ECU (server) was installed in the vehicle. Record data content and format shall be either unsigned numeric, ASCII or BCD, and shall be ordered as Year, Month, Day. |
0xF19E | ODXFileDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the ODX (Open Diagnostic Data Exchange) file of the server to be used to interprete and scale the server data. |
0xF19F | EntityDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the entity data identifier for a secured data transmission. |
U | EDID |
0xF1A0 – 0xF1EF |
identificationOptionVehicleManufacturerSpecific This range of values shall be used for vehicle manufacturer specific server/vehicle identification options. |
0xF1F0 – 0xF1FF | identificationOptionSystemSupplierSpecific This range of values shall be used for system supplier specific server/vehicle system identification options. |
0xF200 – 0xF2FF | periodicDataIdentifier This range of values shall be used to reference periodic record data identifiers. Those can either be statically or dynamically defined. |
U | PDID |
0xF300 – 0xF3FF | DynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifier This range of values shall be used for dynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifiers. |
0xF400 – 0xF4FF | OBDDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved for OBD/EOBD PIDs as defined in ISO 15031-5. |
0xF500 – 0xF5FF | OBDDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved to represent future defined OBD/EOBD PIDs. |
0xF600 – 0xF6FF | OBDMonitorDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved for OBD/EOBD on-board monitoring result values as defined in ISO 15031-5. |
0xF700 – 0xF7FF | OBDMonitorDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved to represent future defined OBD/EOBD on-board monitoring result values. |
0xF800 – 0xF8FF | OBDInfoTypeDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved for OBD/EOBD info type values as defined in ISO 15031-5. |
0xF900 – 0xF9FF | TachographDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved for Tachograph DIDs as defined in ISO 16844-7. |
0xFA00 – 0xFA0F | AirbagDeploymentDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved for end of life activation of on-board pyrotechnic devices as defined in ISO 26021-2. |
0xFA10 | NumberOfEDRDevices This value shall be used to report the number of EDR devices capable of reporting EDR data. |
0xFA11 | EDRIdentification This value shall be used to report EDR identification data. |
U | EDRI |
0xFA12 | EDRDeviceAddressInformation This value shall be used to report EDR device address information according to the format defined in ISO 26021-2 for dataIdentifier 0xFA02. |
0xFA13 – 0xFA18 | EDREntries This range shall be be used to report individual EDR entries. Each DID shall represent a single EDR entry with 0xFA13 representing the latest EDR entry. |
0xFA19 – 0xFAFF | SafetySystemDataIdentifier This range of values is reserved to represent safety system related DIDs. |
0xFB00 – 0xFCFF | ReservedForLegislativeUse This range of values is reserved for future legislative requirements. |
M | RFLU |
0xFD00 – 0xFEFF | SystemSupplierSpecific This range of values shall be used to reference system supplier specific record data identifiers and input/output identifiers within the server. |
U | SSS |
0xFF00 | UDSVersionDataIdentifier This value shall be used to reference the UDS version implemented in the server. See Table C.11 for the scaling of this DID. |
0xFF01 – 0xFFFF | ISOSAEReserved This range of values shall be reserved by this document for future definition. |
C.2 scalingByte parameter definitions
The parameter scalingByte (SBYT) consists of one byte (high and low nibble). The scalingByte high nibble defines the data type, which is used to represent the dataIdentifier (DID). The scalingByte low nibble defines the number of bytes used to represent the parameter in a datastream.
Table C.2 defines the scalingByte (High Nibble) parameter.
Table C.2 — scalingByte (High Nibble) parameter definitions
Encoding of High Nibble | Description of Data Type | Cvt | Mnemonic |
0x0 | unSignedNumeric (1 to 4 bytes) This encoding uses a common binary weighting scheme to represent a value by mean of discrete incremental steps. One byte affords 256 steps; two bytes yields 65 536 steps, etc. |
U | USN |
0x1 | signedNumeric (1 to 4 bytes) This encoding uses a two's complement binary weighting scheme to represent a value by mean of discrete incremental steps. One byte affords 256 steps; two bytes yields 65 536 steps, etc. |
U | SN |
0x2 | bitMappedReportedWithOutMask Bit mapped encoding uses individual bits or small groups of bits to represent status. A validity mask is used to indicate the validity of each bit for particular applications. BitMappedReportedWithOutMask encoding signifies that a validity mask is not part of the parameter definition itself. A separate scalingByteExtension (see C.3.1) is required to report the validity mask. |
0x3 | bitMappedReportedWithMask Bit mapped encoding uses individual bits or small groups of bits to represent status. BitMappedReportedWithMask encoding signifies that a validity mask in included as part of the parameter definition itself. For every bit which represents status, a corresponding mask bit is required as part of the parameter definition. The mask indicates the validity of each bit for particular applications. This type of bit mapped parameter contains one validity mask byte for each status byte representing data. Since the validity mask is part of the parameter definition, a separate scalingByteExtension is not required. |
0x4 | BinaryCodedDecimal Conventional Binary Coded Decimal encoding is used to represent two numeric digits per byte. The upper nibble is used to represent the most significant digit (0 - 9), and the lower nibble the least significant digit (0 -9). |
U | BCD |
0x5 | stateEncodedVariable (1 byte) This encoding uses a binary weighting scheme to represent up to 256 distinct states. An example is a parameter, which represents the status of the Ignition Switch. Codes "00", "01", "02" and "03" may indicate ignition off, locked, run, and start, respectively. The representation is always limited to one byte. |
U | SEV |
0x6 | ASCII (1 to 15 bytes for each scalingByte) Conventional ASCII encoding is used to represent up to 128 standard characters with the MSB = logic '0'. An additional 128 custom characters may be represented with the MSB = logic '1'. |
0x7 | signedFloatingPoint Floating point encoding is used for data that needs to be represented in floating point or scientific notation. Standard IEEE formats shall be used according to ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985. |
U | SFP |
0x8 | packet Packets contain multiple data values, usually related, each with unique scaling. Scaling information is not included for the individual values. See C.3.1. |
U | P |
0x9 | formula A formula is used to calculate a value from the raw data. Formula Identifiers are specified in the table defining the formulaIdentifier encoding. See C.3.2. |
U | F |
0xA | unit/format The units and formats are used to present the data in a more user-friendly format. Unit and Format Identifiers are specified in the table defining the formulaIdentifier encoding. NOTE If combined units and/or formats are used, e.g. mV, then one scalingByte (and scalingData) for each unit/format shall be included in the readScalingDataByIdentifier postive response. See C.3.3. |
U | U |
0xB | stateAndConnectionType (1 byte) This encoding is used especially for input and output signals. The information encoded in the data byte specifies the high level physical layout, electrical levels and functional state. It is recommended to use this option for digital input and output parameters. See C.3.4. |
U | SACT |
0xC – 0xF | ISOSAEReserved Reserved by this document for future definition. |
Table C.3 defines the scalingByte (Low Nibble) parameter.
Table C.3 — scalingByte (Low Nibble) parameter definition
Encoding of Low Nibble |
Description of Data Type |
Cvt |
Mnemonic |
0x0 – 0xF |
numberOfBytesOfParameter This range of values specifies the number of data bytes in a data stream referenced by a parameter identifier. The length of a parameter is defined by the scaling byte(s), which is always preceded by a parameter identifier (one or multiple bytes). If multiple scaling bytes follow a parameter identifier the length of the data referenced by the parameter identifier is the summation of the content of the low nibbles in the scaling bytes. e.g. VIN is identified by a single byte parameter identifier and followed by two scaling bytes. The length is calculated up to 17 data bytes. The content of the two low nibbles may have any combination of values that add up to 17 data bytes. NOTE For the scalingByte with high nibble encoded as formula or unit/format this value is 0x0. |
U |
C.3 scalingByteExtension parameter definitions
C.3.1 scalingByteExtension for scalingByte high nibble of bitMappedReportedWithOutMask
The parameter scalingByteExtension (SBYE) is only supported for scalingByte parameters with the high nibble encoded as formula, unit/format, or bitMappedReportedWithOutMask.
A scalingByte with high nibble encoded as bitMappedReportedWithOutMask shall be followed by scalingByteExtension bytes representing the validity mask for the bit mapped dataIdentifier. Each byte shall indicate which bits of the corresponding dataIdentifier byte are supported for the current a pplication.
Table C.4 defines the scalingByteExtension for bitMappedReportedWithOutMask.
Table C.4 — scalingByteExtension for bitMappedReportedWithOutMask
Byte Value |
Description |
Cvt |
#1 |
dataIdentifier dataRecord#1 validity mask |
M |
: |
: |
C1 |
#p |
dataIdentifier dataRecord#p validity mask |
C1 |
C1: The presence of this parameter depends on the size of the dataIdentifier the information is being requested for. The validity mask shall have as many bytes as the dataIdentifier has dataRecords. |
C.3.2 scalingByteExtension for scalingByte high nibble of formula
The parameter scalingByteExtension (SBYE) is only supported for scalingByte parameters with the high nibble encoded as formula, unit/format, or bitMappedReportedWithOutMask.
A scalingByte with high nibble encoded as formula shall be followed by scalingByteExtension bytes defining the formula. The scalingByteExtension consists a of one byte formulaIdentifier and constants as described in the table below.
Table C.5 defines the scalingByteExtension Bytes for formula.
Table C.5 — scalingByteExtension Bytes for formula
Byte Value |
Description |
Cvt |
#1 |
formulaIdentifier (refer to table defining the formulaIdentifier encoding for details) |
M |
#2 |
C0 high byte |
M |
#3 |
C0 low byte |
M |
#4 |
C1 high byte |
U |
#5 |
C1 low byte |
U |
: |
: |
U |
#2n+2 |
Cn high byte |
U |
#2n+3 |
Cn low byte |
U |
Table C.6 defines the formulaIdentifier encoding.
Table C.6 — formulaIdentifier encoding
Byte Value |
Description |
Cvt |
0x00 |
y = C0 * x + C1 |
U |
0x01 |
y = C0 * (x + C1) |
U |
0x02 |
y = C0 / (x + C1) + C2 |
U |
0x03 |
y = x / C0 + C1 |
U |
0x04 |
y = (x + C0) / C1 |
U |
0x05 |
y = (x + C0) / C1 + C2 |
U |
0x06 |
y = C0 * x |
U |
0x07 |
y = x / C0 |
U |
0x08 |
y = x + C0 |
U |
0x09 |
y = x * C0 / C1 |
U |
0x0A – 0x7F |
ISO/SAE reserved |
M |
0x80 – 0xFF |
Vehicle manufacturer specific |
U |
Formulas are defined using variables (y, x, etc.) and constants (C0, C1, C2, etc.). The variable y is the calculated value. The other variables, in consecutive order, are part of the data stream referenced by a dataIdentifier. Each constant is expressed as a two byte real number defined in Table C.7. The two byte real numbers (C = M * 10E) contain a 12 bit signed (2's complement) mantissa (M) and a 4 bit signed (2's complement) exponent (E). The mantissa can hold values within the range –2 048 to +2 047, and the exponent can scale the number by 10-8 to 107. The exponent is encoded in the high nibble of the high byte of the two byte real number. The mantissa is encoded in the low nibble of the high byte and the complete low byte of the two byte real number.
Table C.7 — Two byte real number format
High Byte |
Low Byte |
High Nibble |
Low Nibble |
High Nibble |
Low Nibble |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Exponent |
Mantissa |
C.3.3 scalingByteExtension for scalingByte high nibble of unit / format
The parameter scalingByteExtension (SBYE) is only supported for scalingByte parameters with the high nibble encoded as formula, unit/format, or bitMappedReportedWithOutMask.
A scalingByte with high nibble encoded as unit / format shall be followed by a single scalingByteExtension byte defining the unit / format. The one byte scalingByteExtension is defined in Table C.8. If combined units and/or formats are used, e.g. mV, then one scalingByte (and scalingByteExtension) shall be included for each unit / format.
Table C.8 — Unit / format scalingByteExtension encoding
ScalingByteExtension Byte#1 | Name | Symbol | Description | Cvt |
0x00 | No unit, no prefix | --- | --- | U |
0x01 | Meter | m | Length | U |
0x02 | Foot | ft | Length | U |
0x03 | Inch | in | Length | U |
0x04 | Yard | yd | Length | U |
0x05 | mile (English) | mi | length | U |
0x06 | Gram | g | mass | U |
0x07 | ton (metric) | t | mass | U |
0x08 | Second | s | time | U |
0x09 | Minute | min | time | U |
0x0A | Hour | h | time | U |
0x0B | Day | d | time | U |
0x0C | year | y | time | U |
0x0D | ampere | A | current | U |
0x0E | volt | V | voltage | U |
0x0F | coulomb | C | electric charge | U |
0x10 | ohm | W | resistance | U |
0x11 | farad | F | capacitance | U |
0x12 | henry | H | inductance | U |
0x13 | siemens | S | electric conductance | U |
0x14 | weber | Wb | magnetic flux | U |
0x15 | tesla | T | magnetic flux density | U |
0x16 | kelvin | K | thermodynamic temperature | U |
0x17 | Celsius | °C | thermodynamic temperature | U |
0x18 | Fahrenheit | °F | thermodynamic temperature | U |
0x19 | candela | cd | luminous intensity | U |
0x1A | radian | rad | plane angle | U |
0x1B | degree | ° | plane angle | U |
0x1C | hertz | Hz | frequency | U |
0x1D | joule | J | energy | U |
0x1E | Newton | N | force | U |
0x1F | kilopond | kp | force | U |
0x20 | pound force | lbf | force | U |
0x21 | watt | W | power | U |
0x22 | horse power (metric) | hk | power | U |
0x23 | horse power (UK and US) | hp | power | U |
0x24 | Pascal | Pa | pressure | U |
0x25 | bar | bar | pressure | U |
0x26 | atmosphere | atm | pressure | U |
0x27 | pound force per square inch | psi | pressure | U |
0x28 | becqerel | Bq | radioactivity | U |
0x29 | lumen | lm | light flux | U |
0x2A | lux | lx | illuminance | U |
0x2B | liter | l | volume | U |
0x2C | gallon (British) | --- | volume | U |
0x2D | gallon (US liq) | --- | volume | U |
0x2E | cubic inch | cu in | volume | U |
0x2F | meter per second | m/s | speed | U |
0x30 | kilometer per hour | km/h | speed | U |
0x31 | mile per hour | mph | speed | U |
0x32 | revolutions per second | rps | angular velocity | U |
0x33 | revolutions per minute | rpm | angular velocity | U |
0x34 | counts | --- | --- | U |
0x35 | percent | % | --- | U |
0x36 | milligram per stroke | mg/stroke | mass per engine stroke | U |
0x37 | meter per square second | m/sP2P | acceleration | U |
0x38 | Newton meter | Nm | moment (e.g. torsion moment) | U |
0x39 | liter per minute | l/min | flow | U |
0x3A | Watt per square meter W/m2 Intensity | W/mP2 | Intensity | U |
0x3B | Bar per second | bar/s | Pressure change | U |
0x3C | Radians per second | rad/s | Angular velocity | U |
0x3D | Radians per square second | rad/sP2P | Angular acceleration | U |
0x3E | Kilogram per square meter | kg/mP2P | --- | U |
0x3F | --- | --- | Reserved by document | M |
0x40 | exa (prefix) | E | 1018 | U |
0x41 | peta (prefix) | P | 1015 | U |
0x42 | tera (prefix) | T | 1012 | U |
0x43 | giga (prefix) | G | 109 | U |
0x44 | mega (prefix) | M | 106 | U |
0x45 | kilo (prefix) | k | 103 | U |
0x46 | hecto (prefix) | h | 102 | U |
0x47 | deca (prefix) | da | 10 | U |
0x48 | deci (prefix) | d | 10月1日 | U |
0x49 | centi (prefix) | c | 10月2日 | U |
0x4A | milli (prefix) | m | 10月3日 | U |
0x4B | micro (prefix) | m | 10月6日 | U |
0x4C | nano (prefix) | n | 10月9日 | U |
0x4D | pico (prefix) | p | 10月12日 | U |
0x4E | femto (prefix) | f | 10月15日 | U |
0x4F | atto (prefix) | a | 10月18日 | U |
0x50 | Date1 | - | Year-Month-Day | U |
0x51 | Date2 | - | Day/Month/Year | U |
0x52 | Date3 | - | Month/Day/Year | U |
0x53 | week | W | calendar week | U |
0x54 | Time1 | --- | UTC Hour/Minute/Second | U |
0x55 | Time2 | --- | Hour/Minute/Second | U |
0x56 | DateAndTime1 | --- | Second/Minute/Hour/Day/Month/Year | U |
0x57 | DateAndTime2 | --- | Second/Minute/Hour/Day/Month/Year/Local minute offset/Local hour offset | U |
0x58 | DateAndTime3 | --- | Second/Minute/Hour/Month/Day/Year | U |
0x59 | DateAndTime4 | --- | Second/Minute/Hour/Month/Day/Year/Local minute offset/Local hour offset | U |
0x5A – 0xFF | --- | --- | ISO/SAE reserved | M |
C.3.4 scalingByteExtension for scalingByte high nibble of stateAndConnectionType
A scalingByte with high nibble encoded as stateAndConnectionType shall be followed by a single scalingByteExtension byte defining the stateAndConnectionType. The one byte scalingByteExtension is defined in Table C.9. The stateAndConnectionType encoding is used specially for input and output signals. Encoded in the scalingByteExtension data byte is information about the physical layout, electrical levels and functional state.
Table C.9 — Encoding of scalingByte High Nibble of stateAndConnectionType
C.4 transmissionMode parameter definitions
Table C.10 defines the transmissionMode parameter.
Table C.10 — transmissionMode parameter definitions
Byte Value |
Description |
Cvt |
Mnemonic |
0x00 |
ISOSAEReserved This value shall be reserved by this document for future definition. |
M |
0x01 |
sendAtSlowRate This parameter specifies that the server shall transmit the requested dataRecord information at a slow rate in response to the request message (where the # of responses to be sent = maximumNumberOfResponsesToSend). The repetition rate specified by the transmissionMode parameter slow is vehicle manufacturer specific, and pre- defined in the server. |
U |
0x02 |
sendAtMediumRate This parameter specifies that the server shall transmit the requested dataRecord information at a medium rate in response to the request message (where the # of responses to be sent = maximumNumberOfResponsesToSend). The repetition rate specified by the transmissionMode parameter medium is vehicle manufacturer specific, and pre-defined in the server. |
U |
0x03 |
sendAtFastRate This parameter specifies that the server shall transmit the requested dataRecord information at a fast rate in response to the request message (where the # of responses to be sent = maximumNumberOfResponsesToSend). The repetition rate specified by the transmissionMode parameter fast is vehicle manufacturer specific, and pre- defined in the server. |
U |
0x04 |
stopSending The server stops transmitting positive response messages send periodically/repeatedly. Note that maximumNumberOfResponsesToSend parameter should be set to 0x01 if transmissionMode = stopSending (otherwise, server operation could be undefined). |
M |
SS |
0x05 – 0xFF |
ISOSAEReserved This value shall be reserved by this document for future definition. |
M |
C.5 Coding of UDS version number
Table C.11 defines the coding of UDS version number DID 0xFF00 – 4 bytes unsigned value. The specification release version of this document is:
Table C.11 — Coding of UDS version number DID 0xFF00 – 4 bytes unsigned value
Byte 1 (MSB) |
Byte 2 |
Byte 3 |
Byte 4 (LSB) |
Major (0..255) |
Minor (0..255) |
Revision (0..255) |
0 |
Table C.12 defines two examples for V1.0.0.0 and V2.0.0.0.
Table C.12 — DID 0xFF00 values for 1st and 2nd edition of ISO 14229-1
Byte 1 (MSB) |
Byte 2 |
Byte 3 |
Byte 4 (LSB) |
Version |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Version |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |